Pets' House Rules

Pets’ house rules

  1. Kućni ljubimac mora biti stariji od 6 mjeseci.
    Pets must be older than 6 months.
  2. Morate posjedovati putovnicu za kućne ljubimce u kojoj će biti upisana sva obvezna cijepljenja. Pas mora biti čipiran i tretiran protiv parazita.
    A veterinary passport containing the record of all mandatory vaccinations is required. Dogs shall be chipped and treated against parasites. 
  3. Ako napuštate smještajni objekt, molimo da kućnog ljubimca ne ostavljate samog u sobi. 
    When leaving the accommodation facility, please make sure not to leave your pet alone in the room.
  4. Ako na kraće vrijeme ostavite kućnog ljubimca samog u sobi, molimo da na vanjsku stranu vrata sobe objesite obavijest o psu u sobi.
    If you need to leave your pet alone in the room for a short time, please hang the dog inside notice on the outside of your room door.
  5. Molimo vas da obavijestite recepciju o tome koje je najprikladnije vrijeme da naše osoblje očisti sobu. 
    Please notify the reception of the best time to clean your room.
  6. Kućnog ljubimca, ako nije pas vodič, ne smijete voditi u wellness.  
    Pets, excluding guide dogs, are not allowed in the wellness facility. 
  7. Izvan sobe, vaš ljubimac mora biti na povodcu. Po potrebi, zadržavamo pravo zahtijevati da vaš pas nosi brnjicu u javnim prostorima.
    Pets must be kept on a leash when outside the room. If necessary, we reserve the right to require your pet to be muzzled in public areas.
  8. Vlasnik kućnog ljubimca dužan je izmet svojeg ljubimca pokupiti u vrećicu i baciti u koš za otpatke. 
    Pet owners are required to collect their pet’s waste in a bag and dispose of the bag in the waste bin. 
  9. Nije dopušteno da kućni ljubimac boravi na krevetu, molimo vas koristite prostirku. 
    Pets are not allowed on beds. Please use the mat instead.
  10. Svako oštećenje se dodatno naplaćuje, kao i eventualni dodatni postupci čišćenja koji nisu obuhvaćeni u redovnom održavanju.
    All damages and potential additional cleaning not included in the usual maintenance are charged separately.
  11. Kućni ljubimac ne smije stvarati buku niti uznemiriti druge goste. U protivnom možemo otkazati uslugu smještaja.
    Pets shall not make noise or disturb other guests. Otherwise, your stay be cancelled. 

Until mid of April our Wellness & Spa Center will be closed for renovations to bring you an even more relaxing and rejuvenating experience. All other hotel facilities will remain available. 

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