Welcome to Hotel Nautica
We are so glad you decided to stay here, and hope you have a great time in Novigrad. We are happy to share our special getaway with you and truly hope you get to enjoy it as much as we do. There are some fantastic restaurants and breweries in the neighborhood.
We are committed to elevating your experience and validating your choice with our exceptional services. Explore our offers below, and rest assured that our dedicated reception team is available 24/7 to assist you with any needs during your stay. Your comfort and satisfaction are our utmost priorities.
If you need to call the reception please dial 400.
House Rules
House Rules
House and hotel rules
Kako bi Vaš boravak bio što ugodniji, uprava Hotela moli Vašu suradnju u uvažavanju slijedećih pravila.
To make your stay as pleasant as possible, the hotel management asks for your cooperation in respecting the following rules.
Prijava od 15:00. Odjava do 10:00. Kasni odlazak je podložan nadoplatama.
Check-in from 3:00 p.m. Check-out until 10:00 a.m. Charges may apply for late check-out.
Doručak od 7:00 do 11:00 sati.
Breakfast from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m
Računi se plaćaju prilikom odjave iz hotela ili tokom boravka.
Bills are paid upon check-out from the hotel or during the stay.
Odgovornost za prtljagu i osobne stvari Gosta | Responsibility for the luggage and personal belongings of the Guest
Prije preuzimanja sobe, ako soba nije raspoloživa, gosti mogu svoju osobnu prtljagu pohraniti u garderobi na recepciji hotela. Isto tako gosti mogu pohraniti svoju osobnu prtljagu po završetku boravka. Hotel Nautica ne preuzima odgovornost niti će se smatrati odgovornim na bilo koji način za gubitak ili štetu nastalu na imovini Gosta iz bilo kojeg razloga, uključujući krađu, bilo da se radi o stvarima ili vrijednostima koje su pohranjene ili ostavljene u sobama ili ostalim prostorijama Hotela.
Before taking the room, if the room is not available, guests can store their personal luggage in the cloakroom at the hotel reception. Guests can also store their personal luggage at the end of their stay.
Hotel Nautica does not take responsibility and will not be responsible in any way for the loss or damage caused to the property of the Guest for any reason, including theft, whether it is about things or valuables that are stored or left in the rooms or other premises of the hotel.
Upotreba osobnih podataka | Use of personal data
Molimo Vas da prilikom prijave u Hotel predočite svoju osobnu iskaznicu ili putovnicu. Prema zakonu gosti su obavezni predočiti osobne identifikacijske dokumente za potrebe registracije i arhiviranje podataka. Navedeni dokumenti će se skenirati i vratiti Gostu. Prilikom prijave svaki gost je obavezan pružiti jamstvo plaćanja na Recepciji za boravak u Hotelu. Gost je suglasan i pristaje da hotel Nautica obrađuje i unosi u rezervacijski sustav njegove/njezine osobne podatke u svrhu registracije kao gost Hotela.
Please present your ID card or passport when checking in to the hotel. According to the law, guests are required to present personal identification documents for registration and data archiving. The mentioned documents will be scanned and returned to the Guest. When checking in, every guest is obliged to provide a guarantee of payment at the reception for staying in the Hotel.
The guest agrees and consents to hotel Nautica processing and entering his/her personal data into the reservation system for the purpose of guest registration.
Odlazak | Departure
Ukoliko je soba dostupna i gost zadrži sobu od 10:00 do 18:00 sati naplaćuje se 50% cijene sobe, a nakon 18:00 sati naplaćuje se puna cijena sobe. Ukoliko Gost ne napusti sobu u propisanom vremenu, Uprava Hotela ima pravo ukloniti Gosta i njegove/njezine osobne stvari iz sobe u kojoj je odsjeo/la.
Check-out from the hotel is required by 10:00. Please inform the Hotel Reception if you want to keep the room after the specified time. If the room is available and the guest keeps the room from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., 50% of the room price is charged, and after 6:00 p.m., the full room price is charged.
If the Guest does not leave the room within the prescribed time, the hotel management has the right to remove the Guest and his/her personal belongings from the room where he/she stayed.
Osobne stvari Gosta | Personal belongings of the Guest
Prilikom registracije, gostima je dana kartica-ključ sobe te se gosti mole da prilikom izlaska iz sobe ili odlaska na počinak zaključaju sobe. Za pohranu vrijednosti, sobe su opremljene sefovima.
During registration, guests are given a room key card, and guests are asked to lock the rooms when leaving the room or going to rest. The rooms are equipped with safes for storing valuables.
Usluge pranja i glačanja | Washing and ironing services
Rublje i ostali odjevni predmeti za pranje, glačanje i čišćenje predaju se sobarici ili se ostavljaju u vrećici za rublje u sobi do 12:00 sati i naplaćuju se prema redovnom cjeniku hotela.
Linens and other items of clothing for washing, ironing, and cleaning are handed over to the maid or left in a laundry bag in the room until 12:00 and are charged according to the hotel’s regular price list.
Kućni ljubimci | Pets
Hotel Nautica je „pet- friendly“ hotel. Za noćenje kućnih ljubimaca naplaćuje se naknada od 20,00€ po kućnom ljubimcu i noćenju. Prilikom kretanja sa psima kroz javne prostorije hotela i predvorje Hotela, psi moraju biti na povodcu ili u odgovarajućem transporteru /torbi za psa.
Hotel Nautica is a “pet-friendly” hotel. A fee of €20.00 per pet per night is charged for the overnight stay of pets. When moving with dogs through the hotel’s public rooms and lobby, the dogs must be on a leash or in a suitable dog carrier/bag.
Posjetitelji | Visitors
Gostima je dozvoljeno primiti posjetitelje u sobu pod uvjetom da se isti registriraju na Recepciji Hotela. Posjete su dozvoljene do 22:00h.
Za produžene posjete iza 22:00h, hotel Nautica će naplatiti dodatnu naknadu u iznosu od 50,00€ uključujući PDV, po sobi/ po noćenju, kao dodatak za gosta/ posjetitelja.
Guests are allowed to receive visitors in the room, if they register at the Hotel Reception.
Visits are allowed until 22:00. For extended visits after 10:00 p.m., the Nautica hotel will charge an additional fee in the amount of€ including VAT, per room/per night, as a supplement for the guest/visitor.
Pravila i zakoni te primjena odgovarajućih zakona | Rules and laws and application of relevant laws
Gosti su obavezni držati se i ponašati u skladu sa odgovarajućim pravilima, pravilnicima i zakonima Republike Hrvatske, koji su za njih obvezujući. Uprava Hotela zadržava pravo dopune i izmjene gore navedenih Uvjeta i Pravila.
Guests are obliged to adhere to and behave in accordance with the relevant rules, regulations, and laws of the Republic of Croatia, which are binding on them. The Hotel Management reserves the right to amend and amend the above Terms and Conditions.
Pets' house rules
Pets' House Rules
Pets’ house rules
- Kućni ljubimac mora biti stariji od 6 mjeseci.
Pets must be older than 6 months. - Morate posjedovati putovnicu za kućne ljubimce u kojoj će biti upisana sva obvezna cijepljenja. Pas mora biti čipiran i tretiran protiv parazita.
A veterinary passport containing the record of all mandatory vaccinations is required. Dogs shall be chipped and treated against parasites. - Ako napuštate smještajni objekt, molimo da kućnog ljubimca ne ostavljate samog u sobi.
When leaving the accommodation facility, please make sure not to leave your pet alone in the room. - Ako na kraće vrijeme ostavite kućnog ljubimca samog u sobi, molimo da na vanjsku stranu vrata sobe objesite obavijest o psu u sobi.
If you need to leave your pet alone in the room for a short time, please hang the dog inside notice on the outside of your room door. - Molimo vas da obavijestite recepciju o tome koje je najprikladnije vrijeme da naše osoblje očisti sobu.
Please notify the reception of the best time to clean your room. - Kućnog ljubimca, ako nije pas vodič, ne smijete voditi u wellness.
Pets, excluding guide dogs, are not allowed in the wellness facility. - Izvan sobe, vaš ljubimac mora biti na povodcu. Po potrebi, zadržavamo pravo zahtijevati da vaš pas nosi brnjicu u javnim prostorima.
Pets must be kept on a leash when outside the room. If necessary, we reserve the right to require your pet to be muzzled in public areas. - Vlasnik kućnog ljubimca dužan je izmet svojeg ljubimca pokupiti u vrećicu i baciti u koš za otpatke.
Pet owners are required to collect their pet’s waste in a bag and dispose of the bag in the waste bin. - Nije dopušteno da kućni ljubimac boravi na krevetu, molimo vas koristite prostirku.
Pets are not allowed on beds. Please use the mat instead. - Svako oštećenje se dodatno naplaćuje, kao i eventualni dodatni postupci čišćenja koji nisu obuhvaćeni u redovnom održavanju.
All damages and potential additional cleaning not included in the usual maintenance are charged separately. - Kućni ljubimac ne smije stvarati buku niti uznemiriti druge goste. U protivnom možemo otkazati uslugu smještaja.
Pets shall not make noise or disturb other guests. Otherwise, your stay be cancelled.
Price List
Price List
- PARKING is included in accommodation price.
- Unlimited use of wellness & SPA center.
TOURIST TAX is not included in accommodation price:
- from 1st January to 31st March: 1,00 € per person per day
- from 1st of April to 30th of September: 1,60 € per person per day
- from 1st of October to 31st December: 1,00 € per person per day
Children up to 11,99 years pay no tourist tax and persons from 12 to 17,99 years pay 50% tourist tax.
- Extra bed supplement between 15-70 € per person daily (the price may vary depending on the season and the age of the person using the extra bed).
- Pets supplement of 25,00 € per pet per day
- Usage of additional hotel facilities and services (minibar, food and beverages besides the basic agreed service)
Guests can get a discount from 1% to 70% in case of last minute & weekly offers and in case of special offers and discount campaigns.
VAT is included in the prices. Payment is carried out in Euro currency according to the valid price list on the day of the payment
Channel list
Channel list
- Promo
- HRT 1
- HRT 2
- Nova TV
- RTL 2
- Doma TV
- Sky News
- CNBC Europe
- France 24 French
- France 24 English
- TGCom24
- Cinestar TV
- STAR Life
- STAR Crime
- STAR Movies
- Nicktoons
- National Geographic Wild
- History
- Crime & Investigation
- Viasat History
- Viasat Explorer
- Viasat Nature
- History 2
- CGTN Documentary
- Baby tv
- Da Vinci
- Cartoonito
- Cartoon Network
- Mini TV
- RTL Kockica
- ProSieben
- TV5 Monde
- RAI 1
- SAT 1
- SLO 1
- RTL.de
- HRT 3
- HRT 4
- MTV 80s
- Nick Music
- Jugoton
- Hit TV
- 24Kitchen
- E! Entertainment
- Fashion TV
- RTL Passion
- RTL Living
- RTL Crime
- RTL Adria
- Woman
- Game Hub
- Nautical Channel
- GP1
- bravo! Radio
- Otvoreni radio
- Happy FM Radio
- Antena Zagreb Radio
- Radio Dalmacija
- Super RTL
- ARD Das Erste
- 3 Sat
- RAI 2
- BHT 1
- SLO 2
- Mediaset
- Nickeldon HR
- Nickeldon ENG
- Nick Jr. HR
- Ki.Ka
- Cinestar Action and Thriller
- CineStar TV Fantasy
- Kino TV
- M1 Film
- M1 Gold
- Arena Sport 1
- Arena Sport 2
- Arena Sport 3
- Arena Sport 4
- Hustler TV
- National Geographic
- Blue Hustler
- Private TV
- Vivid
VAT (25%) is included in price.
The hotel is not responsible for shrinkage tastness of colour and any damage, fading substandards manufacture and normal wear and lear theft or loss of items left in the pockets of your clothing. Any discrepancies and claims must be notified to the hotel within 24 hours. The laundry is open every day from 7 a.m. till 3 p.m. In this hotel the complain book is in place and located at the front office.
Minibar price list
Coca Cola
4 €0.25 l
Natural water
3 €0.33 l
Sparkling water
3 €0.33 l
Juice Orange
4 €0.20 l
Schwepps Tonic
4 €0.25 l
Bura craft beer
6 €0.33 l
Karlovačko beer
4 €0.33 l
3 €0.02 l
7 €0.05 l
8 €0.03 l
Homemade brandies
6 €0.10 l
Vodka Absolute blue
6 €0.05 l
Vodka Finlandia
5 €0.05 l
London Dry Gin Beefeater
5 €0.05 l
Prosecco Frizzante Doc
9 €0.20 l
White Wine
12 €0.375 l
Red Wine
13 €0.375 l
Chilli fried peanuts
4 €60 g
Salted peanuts
4 €50 g
Original chipy chips
4 €40 g
Mixed nuts
4 €50 g
4 €50 g
Alcohol consumption is prohibited for persons under the age of 18. During your stay in our hotel, the mini bar is checked on daily basis and all consumed items are charged to your room account.
Laundry price list
Shirt, blouse
6 €Underwear (per piece)
2 €T-shirt
4 €Sweater
5 €Shorts
4 €Trausers, skirt
6 €Dress
6 €Jogging suit
5 €Bedsheet, duvet cover
4 €Large towel, bathrobe
3 €Small towel
2 €Pillowcase, cloth
2 €Blanket, quilt cover
10 €VAT (25%) is included in price.
The hotel is not responsible for shrinkage tastness of colour and any damage, fading substandards manufacture and normal wear and lear theft or loss of items left in the pockets of your clothing. Any discrepancies and claims must be notified to the hotel within 24 hours. The laundry is open every day from 7 a.m. till 3 p.m. In this hotel the complain book is in place and located at the front office.
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